Posted in Book Reviews

Nearly all the Men in Lagos are Mad by Damilare Kuku

Befitting title and the most talked-about book in Nigeria this year. From the time it was announced by the publishers, Masobe Books, there was an uproar on social media especially  Twitter, my favourite app. Trust everyone to drag the book and author, I’m happy that people have read this book and appreciated it for what it is, a gem.

From the angry men who kept wondering why someone could name her book as such but Uncle she isn’t lying, so don’t be triggered if you aren’t among the madmen, to the women who were pissed on behalf of the men and to we who were intrigued and needed to lay our hands on this book in all I say, calm your tits men and women, both genders are utterly mad in Nigeria and after reading this beautiful book, I have to say scum knows no gender. 

This is a shorty story collection made up of twelve stories that hold your heart, blissfully, no cliffhangers, you get mad because you may have experienced at least one story and if you haven’t, good for you, you are officially sane!😏

From Lukumon in ‘cuck up’ who abandons his wife after guilt-tripping her into sleeping with another man, I still blame her anyway and I’m sorry but weak men irk me a lot.

We meet ‘The gigolo from Isale eko’, I have never understood the deal with gigolo’s, should make for a good podcast discussion.

I also wonder why people shame women a lot for chasing rich men, everyone is doing it, even men chase rich men so? Someone once told me “na who dem catch be thief ” and truly that’s what happens.

Men will embarrass you dears, because why this?
‘The anointed wife’ had to protect her husband in his life of adultery even as a pastor and this married man in ‘International Relations’ made advances to a lady sitting in a restaurant and his wife caught him. Please if you see someone with your husband, face your husband, don’t fight innocent women who weren’t bound to you by a vow, face your man.

I also loved how some of the women were strong-willed, no man should talk shit to you because you are dating. The women were strong, faced various levels of crap from men but they always picked themselves up and moved on.

The constant women shaming when you aren’t married is another bad vice we have. I want my society to understand that marriage is a beautiful institution but there shouldn’t be pressure so one doesn’t make mistakes.

In ‘Ode-pus Complex’, I had high hopes, the story build-up was perfect but alas it wasn’t so, I was happy for my girl, Jide. Please run for your life, no love is worth that stress.

In ‘First times’, I learnt we should be self-sufficient people, never change ourselves to please anyone especially if what they complain about isn’t reasonable, tell me why my babe had to suffer for years in this man’s hands?

In ‘Catfish’,  we see that women are scum too loves. ‘Side-lined’ hurt me, I could relate a bit. People in relationships always looking for the next thrill doesn’t make sense to me. Stop playing with people’s emotions if you do that.

In beard gang, I didn’t want to believe we had marriages like this but I had to, I also blamed the women, why stay in loveless marriages for money?

In ‘I knew you’ I was mad at Tayo but I understood, I too have a phobia for marriage. I will overcome it but it doesn’t have to be at the detriment of another.

Finally, ‘Independence day’ broke my heart but I loved it. A perfect end!

My best stories were International Relations, Ode-pus complex, First times, Independence day and I know you!

You should read this book, full of wit, wisdom, craziness, hilarious too; a summary of the crazy love situations in Nigeria using Lagos as a case study and it fits ‘cos Lagos is the wildest!

There were light sex scenes, some people didn’t like that. I didn’t see a problem with it though, I know Nigerians tend to shy away from this, so if you don’t like reading about sex this isn’t for you.

It’s available in the store for 4,000 Naira, place your order today!

Here’s to better love lives going forward and those having one, keeping it till forever!

My favourite quotes:


I'm a Pharmacist, an avid reader, music enthusiast and a lover of all things beautiful and fun. I promote books and the art of reading!! ❤️❤️

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